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  1. How Machine Learning and Azure AI are Reshaping the Future of Manufacturing

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    How Machine Learning and Azure AI reshaping the future of manufacturing

    Machine learning and Azure AI have been contributing to the manufacturing sector’s great success. These techniques transform and structure modern age production. Continue reading to learn how the manufacturing industry is being affected by machine learning and Azure AI. 

    Machine learning and AI learning are the pillars of the future. AI, or artificial intelligence as we know it, is a technique to build systems that imitate human behavior and decision-making and is shaping the future to be machine-dependent. Similar to AI, machine learning is a technique that uses various data to solve tasks and make processes easier. Machine learning data is derived from mathematical approaches like probability and used to automatically solve predicted tasks.

    Machine learning can be divided into three parts. There is reinforcement learning, often utilized along with deep learning that derives relationships between features of a data set, commonly not very well solved by human research. Reinforcement learning and deep learning have been making tremendous developments in the field of medicine lately. Machine learning also includes supervised and unsupervised learning. Supervised learning allows data collection to produce a result based on previous experiences that assist the manufacturer to optimize performance, whereas unsupervised learning groups unsorted data and information where no previous experience is provided. It processes data on the basis of similarities, patterns, or even differences.

    Growth and rejuvenation of manufacturing

    The manufacturing sector is the backbone of every economy worldwide. Every subsequent sector is provided for by the manufacturing sector, and as essential as the process is, It requires growth. Advancements in the manufacturing process create room for efficiency, better frequency, and great performance. 

    AI learning has been reshaping the manufacturing process by simplifying data processes and solving information issues largely. With components like a combination of supervised and unsupervised learning, manufacturers can benefit largely as various operations will be simplified, and many data issues can be solved efficiently. 

    The manufacturing sector is undoubtedly leading in the application of artificial intelligence technology. From time-efficient manufacturing to better-designed products, manufacturers apply AI-powered analytics to data which in turn improves efficiency, product quality, and generates employment. Here are some ways how machine learning and Azure AI have been reshaping the future of manufacturing:

    • Industry broadening and smart maintenance

    When we talk about manufacturing, it is customary to include maintenance. The maintenance of production line machinery can be very expensive, which creates a crucial impact on the manufacturing of asset-reliant productions. According to research, unplanned downtime costs of maintenance for machines and equipment can be a burden for manufacturers in billions.  

    As a result, predictive maintenance proves to be a must-have solution for manufacturers, helping them predict the failure of their next machine or system. Predictive maintenance uses advanced AI algorithms that help formulate predictions for failure or faults in equipment using machine learning. Timely maintenance reduces unplanned downtime expenses of manufacturers drastically and extends the remaining useful life of the equipment.  

    • High-end quality

    Markets have grown complex. Due to today’s deadlines and product demands, manufacturers find it increasingly harder to keep up with high levels of quality, along with compliance to various regulations and standards. Businesses thrive on quality as it strengthens their brand name and sale. 

    Azure Learning is the best solution to maintain quality standards; a cloud computing service capable of powering complex industrial operations at a global level. The system is capable of notifying manufacturing teams of possible production faults likely to cause major issues. Azure Learning can help achieve brilliant quality standards for products and also save costs on unnecessary updates or faulty systems. 

    Tensorflow, an end-to-end open-source platform for machine learning can also help manufacturers with automated quality control services. It uses object detection services like visual inspection and identification to enhance product quality.

    • Human-Robot Alliance

    According to experts, when AI learning is implemented, it is capable of replacing manpower largely. As more and more jobs are delegated to robots, humans will be allowed to focus on better jobs considering design, maintenance, and programming. Accordingly, human-robot alliances can impact manufacturing greatly and enhance the process altogether. For the purpose of advancement in the manufacturing sector, a collaboration of humans with AI technology should be a safe process as industrial robots join the production. It can be made safer by conscious programming and proper testing of AI systems and functions.

    An existing example of this human-robot collaboration is the AI chatbot. AI chatbot serves as a brilliant assistance system resolving simple and complex queries on its own as it continues learning through interactions. This further reduces the need for extensive manpower for general queries and minor problems.

    • Better design 

    Since AI learning is a revolutionary innovation for the manufacturing world, it provides a better outlook for design as well. Generative design software is designed to get detailed inputs from designers and engineers, including data describing various parameters for the design, like material selection and production methods. It can also include restrictions like budget and time constraints. 

    The algorithm associated will help you explore many configurations for your design before selecting the best solution, tested by machine learning. This software is useful for finding optimal designs based on actual tests and reducing wastage and expenses.

    • Adapting to transitioning market

    AI learning is an essential element in this new industrial revolution. The evolution of the manufacturing sector is necessary for better products and services. As much as AI has developed in the last couple of years, it is not limited to just production in the manufacturing process but can also help optimize supply chains and keep up with the transitioning market. Tensorflow is one such application that helps manufacturers keep in touch with the ever-changing market. It creates a framework for testing and development and also can be used to observe and adapt to trends and different factors of changing market conditions regularly. 

    The above ways indicate that the manufacturing sector is a great fit for AI applications and assistance. According to experts, The process of manufacturing would lose human touch due to manpower replacement  and its authenticity once entirely replaced. But it will benefit greatly from AI advancements as humans would take over more important jobs relating to maintenance and optimization rather than labor-intensive. AI in the present world is reshaping the service and manufacturing world by providing various services and systems related to maintenance, design optimization, and assistance. 

    As AI learning advances, many businesses and manufacturers require AI-centric services to expand and grow. Metadata Technologies provides manufacturers with various services helping them grow and conquer the modern-day market and enhance their production. Visit for more information.

  2. 4 ways to boost revenue with Dynamics 365 Sales and AI

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    4 ways to boost revenue with Dynamics 365 Sales and AI

    By translating data into actionable insights derived with Microsoft AI, you can empower everyone across the whole department to create more meaningful choices. And if your goal is to accelerate a single procedure or change an entire sector, this can also be enabled by AI across the organization. With Dynamics 365 Sales and AI, each team has the autonomy to solve challenges and make choices on their own, aided by tools.

    Every seller and sales organization would be successful if sales were simple. But, especially in the current scenario, there’s more to it. Customers are increasingly using digital means to acquire answers to questions and even make purchasing decisions, rather than relying solely on direct interaction with merchants. The salesperson is transitioning from being a trusted advisor to guiding every step of the sales process. To meet this role, merchants must reorganize and find new methods to add value to their customers.

    Dynamics 365 Sales’ cutting-edge AI and collaboration features provide sellers with a 360-degree picture of the client. Sellers may learn from customer history, access data from various data sources, and receive recommendations that help you to identify the next step you should take.

    4 ways in which Dynamics 365 Sales and AI helps Businesses Boost their Revenue

    Your sales staff will be able to do the following using Microsoft Dynamics 365 AI for sales:

    1. Concentrate on the consumers who have the most potential

    Find and prioritize leads and opportunities so you can focus your efforts on the people who are most likely to buy your product or service. 

    1. Keep in touch with people

    You’ll be able to distinguish between good and risky customer relationships using data from Dynamics 365, LinkedIn, and Office 365. With this information, you’ll be able to concentrate on your most important customers.

    1. Personalize your customer interactions

    With the help of insights, you can understand the requirements of the customer and thus you can communicate with them with the relevant information. The latest in AI allows you to draft emails and initiate communications at a click of button.

    1. Automate the sales process

    Dynamics 365 Sales and AI help you organize your sales and create a record of contacts and activities, enabling you to enhance productivity.

    The above points are some of the main pointers when considering automation with Dynamics 365 and how it helps businesses. 

    Below are some secondary pointers to make you learn more about its factors: 

    • Obtain in-depth Sales Information

    Using seller engagement and productivity indicators, Dynamics 365 gives data and resources that help your sales managers better understand sales performance and coach sales agents more effectively.

    • Coach Effectively

    You may direct your sales agents to more productive conversations that will enable you to persuade the client and turn them to customers with the help of Dynamics 365. 

    • Increased Productivity

    AI applications use process automation and real-time data analysis to automate time-consuming processes. Sales personnel are no longer required to collect and analyze data manually. CRM solutions collect and analyze data 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and generate accurate predictions and suggestions to assist sales teams in making the best decisions to close deals rapidly. 

    Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM can link with other Microsoft platforms in real time, allowing AI solutions to gather real-time information during sales cycles. Sales agents can make the most of their time with better connection and process automation.

    • Cost-Cutting

    Time is money, as the old adage goes, and this is especially true in B2B sales. B2B sales cycles are well-known for being lengthy and involving multiple partners. When salespeople focus on a lead that isn’t likely to close, they risk wasting months and missing out on important opportunities. Microsoft Dynamics 365 AI for Sales enables sales teams to concentrate on high-value customers. In essence, AI gives users a 360-degree view of prospects and customers, allowing them to spot where they’re squandering money and ensures that you do not miss the great opportunity.

    • Increased Revenue

    Sales teams often lose sight of what matters most: the client, as they focus on meeting their quotas. Whether it’s a B2B or B2C transaction, customers expect to be treated as individuals rather than numbers. As a result, for organizations aiming to increase income, client experience should be a top concern. 

    AI-powered insights and recommendations assist sales professionals in personalizing buyer experiences. AI technology helps in understanding the consumer experiences that are essential for driving more sales. Sales teams may use AI data to make quick decisions that exceed client expectations, from offering the correct price to delivering the right collateral.

    AI’s Transformative Power in a Variety of Industries

    Microsoft has built AI layers into its Dynamics 365 products to provide AI experiences that are ready to use right away. With self-healing commands, Dynamics 365 for Field Service employs AI to detect, troubleshoot, and resolve equipment issues remotely. Other Microsoft services, such as Azure, Office, Skype, and augmented reality, can be used to extend these features.

    To assist customers better integrate AI into their businesses, Microsoft has introduced a new class of AI applications that unify data and infuse it with sophisticated intelligence to give out-of-the-box insights. We at Metadata Technologies help you design the software according to your needs. Our team of skilled professionals can work closely with your team to provide best results for you.  

  3. What is PropTech? How did it bring a change in the field of property management?

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    What is PropTech? How did it bring a change in the field of property management?

    Today, technology is integrated into our daily lives more than ever. PropTech or Property Tech refers to the use of software, tools, websites, apps, and other digital solutions to optimize and manage real estate projects. Similar to “FinTech” (‘finance + technology”), PropTech emerges as an innovative approach among the real estate market aiming for efficient systems through a digital landscape. 

    Although the real estate industry shows a slow adaptation of technologies, the introduction of  PropTech has already started transforming the sector.

    How is PropTech used in property management?

    PropTech, or property technology, is primarily designed to facilitate the purchase, maintenance, management, and investment in real estate. Major property tech tools include CRM (Customer Relationship Management) and ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning). One can use these technologies to execute several functions, including property listing and rental services, mortgage applications, marketplaces, customer management, and much more.

    Now, there are two domains of PropTech in the real estate sector:

    1. Residential Property Tech

    As the name implies, residential property tech includes software and tools developed by PropTech companies to facilitate buying and renting apartments and houses. 

    The residential property tech is shaped  by:

    • Property Search Platforms (listing, marketplaces, real estate agents, etc.)
    • Property Sale Tools
    • Financing Tools (digital lenders & brokers, alternative financing, etc.)
    • Mortgage Lender Software (loan application and management)
    • Real Estate Closing Tools 
    • IoT-powered tools
    • Loan Management Systems (loan securitization, etc.)

    2. CRETech

    CRETech or commercial real estate (CRE) technology covers all the innovative tools used to search, manage, rent, or sell office, industrial, and other commercial property assets. 

    The landscape of CRETech space is defined  by:

    • Property Search Platforms (listing and marketplaces, Brokerage management, etc.)
    • Constructions Planning and Management Tools
    • Evaluation and Financing Tools 
    • IoT powered tools
    • Asset utilization 

    What changes did it bring in the field of property management?

    Like every business, it is essential to maintain a good relationship between the company and its customers. Incorporating CRM and ERP tools have been a boon to the property management sector with several benefits to both parties.

    For the real estate business owners and entrepreneurs, the adoption of these PropTech solutions brought the following changes:

    • Easier data evaluation & AI-driven marketing: CRM and ERP tools can be used to easily screen and evaluate the development, investment, leasing, buying, and selling processes. Many PropTech companies have also paired this with data analytics so that you get better insights and conquer the best deals.
    • Automated paperwork & cost reduction: CRM and ERP technologies streamline the complete brokerage processes through automation. This saves a huge chunk of time & resources that you can invest in more important tasks, like market research and finalizing deals.
    • Digital contracts & secure online transactions: You enjoy a better and faster buying and selling process through safe remote transactions. Yes, no more tons of paperwork to read and sign at closing!
    • Direct digital engagement: This has proved to be a significant advantage since the onset of Covid-19. CRM and ERP limit physical interactions by introducing contactless solutions like online customer care, chatbots, etc.

    For buyers and investors, property technology has brought the following positive impacts:

    • Quality communication: Through CRM tools, the potential customers, existing tenants, repair workers, and maintenance teams can communicate easily with the seller. 
    • Distance doesn’t matter: Home inspections or house tours can now be easily executed with the help of virtual reality and IoT tools. Property owners and buyers can do all this from the comfort of their homes!
    • Improved market research: Investors can use property technology tools to track the development, investment, leasing, buying, and selling opportunities across the exuberant market.
    • Secure contracts: Much third-party involvement has been reduced with property technology tools. Now, it’s all between the seller and the buyer without relying on the “middle man” that might misalign the customers’ interests during the sale process.

    What changes are we looking forward to?

    Real estate is one of the world’s largest asset categories, so the market opportunity for PropTech is immense. PropTech is booming and continues to curb various pain points in the coming years. The PropTech companies are working on several important aspects such as:

    • Increasing Security with Edge AI
    • Incorporation of Big Data Analytics
    • Data-Driven Decision-Making
    • The Growth of Direct Digital Engagement
    • Integrating Virtual Interactions into Operations

    How is Metadata Technologies transforming real estate tech?

    If you run a real estate company, Property-xRM is the solution to streamline all your business operations. We at Metadata Technologies are a leading provider of CRM solutions to top business fields and companies worldwide. Our cutting-edge PropTech software Property-xRM can handle all crucial aspects of the property management cycle. From constant lead generation to validation and successful payments, manage everything from the comfort of your device.

    Let us help you achieve faster, better, and more efficient property management today! Get started with Property-xRM by Metadata Technologies. Visit our website to learn more.

  4. The role of Property-xRM in lead nurturing in Real Estate

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    The role of Property-xRM in lead nurturing in Real Estate

    The terms lead nurturing and lead generation often coincide with each other. However, the practice of lead nurturing is much more vast than lead generation, where the latter mainly focuses on finding new potential customers. Lead nurturing in real estate is a prolonged and complex process of building a strong relationship with prospects, streamlining the process of turning them into homeowners or tenants. This plays a vital role as facilitating a positive customer experience during their purchase journey is a decisive factor. 

    That’s where Property-xRM Lead Management lends value as a dedicated CRM solution powered by Microsoft technology. Property-xRM is a CRM software for Real Estate Sales and Property Management developed to optimize businesses operations.

    What is Property-xRM?

    Property-xRM is a PropTech tool built on top of Microsoft Dynamics 365 CE (CRM) that manages major revenue-generating aspects like Home Sales, Property Leasing (Commercial, Residential, Retail), and Facility Management for real estate companies. The solution leverages Microsoft technology with easy integration capabilities, explicitly developed for real estate.

    From a sales perspective, the CRM-based solution is designed carefully by keeping in mind each stage of the real estate customer journey, from initial marketing of properties, property launches, to document management and the eventual sale. In addition, it also provides businesses an edge in customer-focused post-sale services like property upgrades, transfers of ownership, etc. Therefore, it emerges as a powerful tool that empowers consistency and quality in the real estate lead nurturing process by enhancing customer experience.

    How Property-xRM helps in customer management and engagement?

    Customer management and engagement are the pillars of lead nurturing. Property-xRM is an award-winning Real Estate CRM solution that helps businesses achieve smooth customer management and engagement through the following ways:

    • Omni-channel lead capture and inventory: A successful lead nurturing starts with knowing and generating leads. Property-xRM captures prospect and lead information from several different channels like Social Media, Websites, or third-party listings. The same is facilitated by Property-xRM’s Marketing Management capabilities powered by Dynamics 365 for Marketing, or ClickDimensions – one of the leading marketing platforms for Microsoft Dynamics.

    In addition, relevant information like your leads’ contact details, the properties they’re looking for, the interactions undertaken with them, etc., can be collected and stored in the system and used for personalized engagement. With the latest in Microsoft AI, there is a higher level of automation for data entry and customer engagement that allows real estate agents to be more productive and focus on building deeper relationships with prospects.

    • Effective lead and sales management: Management of sales and leads requires a value-driven engagement with customers and their representatives. Property-xRM manages real estate inventory information and uses customer preference and campaign insights to improve lead conversions.
    • Automation of sales process: No matter if it’s a real estate or a clothing business, no customer likes long order processing and waiting time. With inventory and customer related information in once place, Property-xRM automates the lead-to-deal journey for real estate companies.

    It is seen that the deployment of Property-xRM resulted in up to 60% reduction in the customer waiting time. Furthermore, it also creates easy access to necessary reports providing customers with accurate information.

    • Better communication between parties: It takes a significant amount of communication between a company and buyers to seal the deal. Since real estate is one of the most crucial investments one can have, it’s apparent that customers would like to interact, ask, and raise queries before paying for it.

    Property-xRM provides businesses with a dedicated customer relationship management (CRM) solution that encourages direct customer engagement. It acts as an ultimate tool to ensure that no inquiries, grievances, or any time-bound element of the process are compromised. A systematic approval system along with notifications to the relevant people within the organization ensures that all the leads are diligently followed up.

    • Flexible payment methods: Since sale and payment are crucial for lead nurturing, it’s important to have flexibility with multiple payment options. Customers always seek various payment methods as not everyone can be comfortable with one. Property-xRM facilitates easier capture of payment details as a highly configurable solution. The platform also ensures seamless integrations with third-party Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems boosting operational efficiency.

    What are the further changes needed by the real estate sector?

    The real estate sector holds significant accountability in the market. Although the real estate sector is not as fast as the media sector in adopting technologies, innovation and effective tools are always appreciated. Some of the upcoming changes the real estate looks forward to are:

    • Virtual reality for home tours
    • E-Signing of contracts
    • Digital property advertising solutions 
    • Rental Property Management
    • Transforming real estate into smart homes

    Read more about the PropTech trends in real estate for the future.

    Moreover, PropTech companies continue to identify and curb various pain points of customers that will help in successful lead nurturing and conversion. Property-xRM offers robust features you need for faster, better, and more efficient lead nurturing in real estate.

    How Metadata Technologies facilitates lead nurturing in real estate?

    If you are a real estate business owner, optimizing the sales and leasing process is one of the major challenges. Metadata Technologies can help you with its leading CRM Software for Property Management designed for large scale developers and property management companies. Property-xRM enables you to achieve a streamlined lead nurturing in real estate right from pre-sales customer experience to selling/leasing and after-sales management.

    Don’t just find new leads, but turn each one of them into your loyal customers with Property-xRM.

    Contact us to get started today!